Montag, 25. August 2014

Tortellini Salad

You need:
400g / 12 cups Tortellinis
200g / 1/2 cupPesto
60g/ 1/4 cup Pinenuts
250g/ 1 1/2 cups Mozzarella Minis (In Germany you can buy little mozzarella balls as seen on the pictures. If you will not be able to get these just buy normal mozzarella and cut it into small pieces)
500g/ ca. 30 Cherry Tomatoes
20 leaves of Basil

And that's how you do it:

1. Cook the tortellinis as said on the directions. Whenever they are ready take them out and rinse them in a filter. Let them stand and cool down.

2. Prepare the pesto if you have not already. There is also a pesto recipe on this blog.

3. Frie the pine nuts in a pan.

4. Cut the tomatoes in halfes and leave the mozzarella and basil as a whole.

5. Mix vegetables, cheese, pinenuts, pesto and Tortellinis all together. And that's it!

Guten Appetit!

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